Jim Myers
Jim Myers of the Sasquatch Outpost is our first speaker in 2025. He will be sharing his vast knowledge on Bigfoot and UFO sightings. He has an extremely varied background. He grew up in Kenya from the age of 11 until he graduated from High School. After graduating from college, Jim spent another 20 years as an adult living in West Africa and France. Jim is fluent in Fredand is conversational in Swahili and Wolof (West African trade language). Jim has been fortunate to have traveled to over 45 countries during his career, and he enjoys bringing this wealth of experience into everything he does. The Myers’ returned to the U.S. in 2009, at which time Jim was able to begin pursuing his interest in Sasquatch.
For the past 11 years, Jim has been an avid Sasquatch researcher and public speaker on all things related to the Sasquatch Forest People. He and his wife Daphne built the Sasquatch Outpost with the goal of becoming “Sasquatch Central” for the Western U.S. The Outpost houses both an extensive gift shop, as well as being the home of the Sasquatch Encounter Discovery Museum – created with the goal in mind of educating the public about the existence and behavior of these elusive creatures.
Jim tries to spend as much time as possible in the forests and mountains of Colorado, where he has gained a great deal of experience and accumulated extensive data over the years. Jim and his wife Daphne make their home in the town of Bailey, Colorado in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.
Recommended Donation: $10 COMUFON members; $15 non-COMUFON members.