Ken St. John
The excitement ahead of last November’s joint subcommittee hearings in Washington was palpable. To those in the public UAP community the list of upcoming witnesses and their anticipated testimonies represented a who’s who of those who claimed to have firsthand knowledge of the events and circumstances so often denied by government. The list, to coin a phrase, was a long and ponderous one. To this end the witnesses did not disappoint. However, it would be short sighted to assume that the testimonies of the witnesses would be so compelling as to surely move the disclosure needle at long last. Certainly there’s more to it than that. Beyond the positive influences provided by witnesses, insiders on both sides of the fence know that disclosure is more like pushing a rope. Both sides have skins in the game and in this session we’ll see if we can define what those are and who owns them. We’re going to take a deep dive into disclosure looking at the factors both for and against from an insider’s perspective.
Ken St. John
Ken St. John is a long time member and benefactor of MUFON International. He formerly served as MUFON International’s Chief Operating Officer, Chief Information Officer, Director of Training, and member of the Board of Directors. Ken holds degrees in Physics, Mathematics, and Electronic Engineering. He is a retired commercial pilot and flight instructor and has served with the FAA as an Accident Prevention Specialist. Ken was a private contractor for the Department of Defense and has spent a significant amount of time on private sector assignments throughout Southeast Asia and Europe. He is also a long time member of Colorado MUFON and former member of the Colorado MUFON Board. Ken has previously made numerous presentations at COMUFON meetings for more than 12-years on a variety of topics of interest to our members and guests.